Dawl tal-Ġnien Solari tal-Azzar li ma jsaddadx bi Kwalità Għolja, Super Bright.
Punt Nru.
Pannell solari
2 * AA, 800mAh, batteriji NI-MH
Sors tad-dawl
3 SMD abjad wassal
Ħin fit-tul
sa 8 sigħat b'tagħbija sħiħa
Daqs tal-prodott
7.6 * 7.6 * 64cm
1000pcs kaxxa bajda / 3000pcs kaxxa tal-kulur
Kostruzzjoni ta 'l-istainless steel
This outdoor stainless steel solar path
light , No addition tools required to install this solar ground lighting
outdoor. Wireless setting up and operation with this LED solar landscape
lighting. Full range adjustable light angle to illuminate perfect spot and
adjustable solar panel angel for optimum sun exposure. Outdoor stainless steel
solar path light have lots of advantages. You just unscrew the lamp cap, turn
on the light switch, and directly insert it into soil to complete installation.
Use Conveniently. The solar only need to switch on the light before use. The
solar light will auto ON in the dark, and auto OFF during the day, extremely
convenient to use and labor-saving. Weather-resistant. Manufactured to
withstand all kinds of weather. Pannell solari absorbs sun light during the day to
recharge the batteries and using energy from the sun to save electricity cost
and environmental protection.You can arbitrarily decorate and light your
garden, yard, pathway and patio.
g. Tista 'tagħżel li dendel il-qattiel ta' l-elettriku billi tuża ċ-ċirku fil-parti ta 'fuq jew issuqha fl-art billi tuża l-parti inkluża fi ftit minuti. Aħna użajna plastik ABS ta' kwalità għolja fid-disinn biex niżguraw durabilità massima. dwal fis-suq! Magħmula iebsa u ssiġillata!
National Hardware Show (NHS 2025)
Time:March 18TH – 20TH, 2025
Booth No:W1670
Welcome to visit our booth!